Piano Trios
Mendelssohn’s piano trios are among the most popular and frequently played works within the genre.
Both trios are such recognised works and display such perfection form and content that one might well imagine that they flowed effortlessly from the composer’s pen without a moment’s doubt or hesitation.
In fact during the course of recording, the Van Baerle’s had the opportunity to examine copies of the manuscripts of both works, and were astonished to discover that the manuscript of the first trio displayed considerable differences from the work that we were familiar with.
Further investigation revealed that this was an early version of the same trio. Although it was largely the same piece we are familiar with, there were some wonderful passages that have been rarely heard since they were first written. – From the booklet notes
‘The brilliant interpretation of the young Dutch musicians is a perfect fit; the luminous and flowing piano, the radiant violin and the round cello blend together homogeneously to offer an elegant and light reading, without emphasis or routine.’
‘A recording of historical significance in music.’
Südwest Presse
‘The Van Baerle Trio plays with extraordinary clarity and elegance. Besides the romantic impetus, the elastic lightness and pureness of this music remains secured.’
FonoForum *****
‘Never before have you heard these trios so lively and full of sparkling energy. The fact that the ensemble creates a great architectural arch is proof of a solid musical maturity.’
Pizzicato *****
‘An interpretation full of depth and flair. The interplay between the voices is thrilling, the execution is artfully fluent, tempo changes are defined by the finest detail, the concentration does not drop for a second. Chamber music of the highest caliber.’
De Standaard